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4 Excellent (Free!) Online Resources for Learning JavaScript

By Daniel Weiss

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One of the hardest parts about learning to code is finding the right resources to study from. Without strong coding knowledge, how can you pick the right things to learn? Well to help solve that problem, we’ve put together a short list of 4 quality resources for learning JavaScript from scratch.

Working through these materials isn’t necessarily easy… But that’s because programming isn’t easy! If you’re motivated to learn JavaScript, a great language to focus on right now, then these will be very useful.

4 Free Resources for Learning JavaScript

1. Codecademy’s JavaScript Track

Level: Pure Beginner

What: Interactive tutorial covering the complete basics of JavaScript

Time Requirement: 10 to 15 hours

After completing Codecademy’s JS track, you’ll have a basic understanding of the underlying workings of JavaScript, from variables and functions to loops and conditionals.

If you’ve never coded before, you may have to review some portions of this course twice to understand the material.

2. Treehouse’s JavaScript Basics

Level: Pure Beginner

What: Video lectures and interactive interface covering JavaScript fundamentals

Time Requirement: 10 to 15 hours

This course covers similar material as #1, but in a different format. The videos provide good instruction, and it’s often useful when first learning JavaScript to review the basics in a different ways.

To get this class for free, you’ll need to sign up for a free trial on Treehouse, which lasts for seven days.

3. Udacity’s JavaScript Basics

Level: Advanced Beginner

What: Video lectures, assignments and a class project

Time Requirement: 20 to 25 hours

This course is good for those with prior programming experience and for beginners who have completed one of the resources above.

This Udacity course dives a little deeper into JavaScript, covering the basics and beyond, and also includes a project where you’ll get to see the more practical applications of learning JS.

This is the most in-depth JavaScript resource and is in a format resembling a traditional online class. The class project offers great way to see how JavaScript works in the real world.

4. Fullstack's Intro to Coding Course

Level: Beginner

What: A series of courses that will help you master the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript through video lectures.

Time Requirement: 15 hours

After completing this course, you'll have a better idea of whether or not coding is right for you and you’ll be prepared for Fullstack’s Bootcamp Prep course.

Bonus: Codewars

Level: Advanced Beginner

What: Programming challenges of varying difficulty

Time Requirement: N/A

Codewars problems are a great way to test your practical knowledge of JavaScript and solidify your learning. Start with the “Easy” ones and move forward from there.

We hope you find these resources useful. Want to stay informed about other learning resources and Fullstack Academy? Follow us on Twitter.