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Reapplying to Fullstack: 3 Ways to Better Prepare
By Huntly Mayo-Malasky

Fullstack applicant’s are allowed two application attempts. With this limited opportunity, here’s what we recommend for those who want to re-apply.
- Study More! A lot of candidates are taken by surprise when they attempt our application’s coding assessment. We don’t require a perfect score to make it to then next admissions stage, but you’ll need to be at least an advanced-beginner to pass. Codecademy is a great place to begin your coding education, though it’s mainly just a starting point. A few coding bootcamps, including App Academy, Fullstack Academy, and Hack Reactor, offer dedicated admissions preparation courses. Fullstack’s Bootcamp Prep is a coding-challenge oriented course that meets 4 times per week for 4 weeks. This course is available both in-person in NYC and Chicago, as well as remotely. Bootcamp Prep is free with refund, meaning once you complete 90% of the course, we'll refund all of your money.
- Use Codewars challenges. The levels (kyu) start at 8 and work down as they get more challenging. If you can get to 6 (or preferably 5) you should be in a good position to apply to a selective bootcamp. I encourage all candidates to selective bootcamps to use this tool to gauge their level of preparation.
- Start building things with code. The experience you’ll gain by actually using code to develop websites is like cross training for sports. You’ll be a stronger, better coder by seeing how it’s applied in the real-world. Codecademy has modules where you can rebuild popular websites like Airbnb.
Practice is key, no matter what resources you choose to use.