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Reapplying to Fullstack: 3 Ways to Better Prepare

By Huntly Mayo-Malasky

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Fullstack applicant’s are allowed two application attempts. With this limited opportunity, here’s what we recommend for those who want to re-apply.

  1. Study More! A lot of candidates are taken by surprise when they attempt our application’s coding assessment. We don’t require a perfect score to make it to then next admissions stage, but you’ll need to be at least an advanced-beginner to pass. Codecademy is a great place to begin your coding education, though it’s mainly just a starting point. A few coding bootcamps, including App Academy, Fullstack Academy, and Hack Reactor, offer dedicated admissions preparation courses. Fullstack’s Bootcamp Prep is a coding-challenge oriented course that meets 4 times per week for 4 weeks. This course is available both in-person in NYC and Chicago, as well as remotely. Bootcamp Prep is free with refund, meaning once you complete 90% of the course, we'll refund all of your money.
  2. Use Codewars challenges. The levels (kyu) start at 8 and work down as they get more challenging. If you can get to 6 (or preferably 5) you should be in a good position to apply to a selective bootcamp. I encourage all candidates to selective bootcamps to use this tool to gauge their level of preparation.
  3. Start building things with code. The experience you’ll gain by actually using code to develop websites is like cross training for sports. You’ll be a stronger, better coder by seeing how it’s applied in the real-world. Codecademy has modules where you can rebuild popular websites like Airbnb.

Practice is key, no matter what resources you choose to use.